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Andrew Black

Andrew Black, M.Sc, B.Ed Hons has a wealth of experience spanning the whole education sector including 20 years as Head of two schools, one mainstream Primary and one all-age generic Special school.  His extensive experience in working with ESBD (Emotional Social and Behavioural Difficulties) pupils and the Special school sector means that he has ‘hands-on’ practical experience in dealing with challenging behaviour of all types and in many situations.


Throughout his time as a teacher and head teacher, Andrew’s focus has always been child-centred and he has maintained a particular interest in dealing with more challenging children, gaining success in this area.  His professional development and personal philosophy is that good behaviour can be taught and caught if modelled by all staff within a ‘can do’ culture of positivity.  His experience has shown that pupils’ learning and development improves dramatically when they feel happy and secure.  


Andrew has worked with Manchester Met University as an Associate Lecturer and is also working with local teaching alliances, teaching and mentoring RQTs as part of their Embedding Excellence programme.  Having recently retired from teaching he and Michala have combined their skills to promote POSITIVITY in schools.  By targeting both ends of the ‘behaviour continuum’ with staff wellbeing at one end and providing staff with confidence and competence to address pupil behaviour at the other, schools have the opportunity to create a balanced, sustainable culture promoting positivity and outstanding learning behaviour.

Michala Black

Michala Black, MBA, PGCHPE is an experienced leader and manager with over 25 years in industry as a company director, including a PLC board position.  She has worked as a management consultant, coach and mentor with private and public sector organisations including the NHS (informing government policy), Staffordshire Police and the Co-operative Society before concentrating on developing teachers and head teachers in a wide variety of schools in the Midlands.


Her understanding of Leadership, Management and Developing People is both practical and theoretical as she has also worked with Manchester and Keele Universities and has over ten years’ experience as a Senior Lecturer at Staffordshire University.


Michala has taught at Certificate, Diploma and Masters level as well as taking responsibility for programme management, programme and module development, residentials, assignment setting and assessment across all levels.  This wealth of experience has given her a deep insight into how people behave at work and the problems that can result from the struggle to achieve a balanced & fulfilled life. After many years of working with senior managers, it became evident that in order to make changes in the organisation, it is first imperitive to make changes in yourself: “It’s the ‘soft’ stuff that’s the hard stuff!”.


Michala has developed a range of workshops that will show you how to flourish at work, at home, in relationships and everyday life by developing a positive mindset, a strong character and a healthy body.

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