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Behaviour Management

Excellent behaviour is at the core of every Outstanding school’


We believe that behaviour lies at the heart of all good and outstanding learning. Pupils must be in the learning zone within and around schools for the maximum possible time. By focusing on behaviour management and changing adult’s responses to and actions around behaviours, we can ensure that pupils achieve their maximum potential and have a happier more fulfilling experience during the time they are at school. Every adult that comes into contact with the child / student during their school life has the potential to model, change and modify pupil behaviours and impact on their overall life chances. 



  • We offer a ‘Child Centred’ approach to all training

  • Focusing on ‘Behaviour’ has a profound effect every aspect of school life

  • We believe that Behaviour is the key to ‘Outstanding’ in the Ofsted requirements of Leadership, Learning & Teaching

  • A skilled, knowledgeable, confident and effective group of staff improves the learning potential for all pupils and creates a positive can-do culture 

  • We offer safe, high quality training courses able to stand up to internal and external scrutiny

  • High quality advice on policy, practice and processes

  • Improves Staff confidence and competence when dealing with challenging behaviour

  • Improves Staff resilience reducing absence and related costs













Courses & Training

AMBA offers a behaviour management solution using methods that have been proven to be effective within a school environment. It is a bespoke service that will enhance existing systems that support pupil behaviour and cultivate ideas on how to deal with more challenging behaviours.  The courses provide a graded approach and includes verbal strategies highlighting the benefits of techniques such as defuse, distract, deflect or defend, before moving onto the last resort of hands-on physical management supports to keep pupils, themselves and others safe.


There are many companies offering ‘training’ using physical restraint techniques that come from the Adult, Security and Care settings, which we believe are inappropriate for use on children and young people.  AMBA offers methods that have been successfully tried and tested in schools for over twenty years and focuses on holding in supportive and non injurious ways.  Teachers and staff will be able to learn and practice these skills and techniques which will have a positive impact on pupil behaviour and the school culture from day one.

All courses will include components from :

Positive classroom management

In order for teachers to be effective in a classroom it is important that they are supported by a straightforward, manageable behaviour management system that is easy to use.  We will look at the following areas:

  • Establishing rules & routines with  pupils

  • Modelled & promoted good behaviour

  • Developing positive relationships with pupils through listening & noticing

  • Rewards & praise systems

  • Developing a sense of self awareness

  • Scripts and sanctions

  • Re engagement


But situations can also be escalated by teachers themselves. Personal behaviour and attitude is key to building and maintaining relationships with pupils and it should be remembered that the only thing that you are actually in complete control of, is yourself.  It is easier to change one’s own behaviour than to force change on a whole class!  During the course AMBA will seek to demonstrate that a consequence of altering your own behaviour is that the behaviour of those around you also changes. 


If we were to believe all we hear currently in the media, it would appear that the best way to learn is by making mistakes.  This may well be true in many areas but tackling behavioural issues requires forethought, planning and consistent delivery - what's wrong with learning to ‘get it right first time’?!  Clumsy handling of behavioural issues will undermine teacher’s efforts, confidence & credibility. 


AMBA will help you:

  • keep it simple & devise the right management system for your school

  • ensure that it is used fairly & consistently across the whole school

  • understand there can be no hierarchy regarding what is ‘acceptable’ behaviour

  • observe, report & record accurately, using assessment tools to highlight patterns and trends in behaviour and provide possible solutions to reduce and manage difficult behaviours.

  • use positive aspects of a pupil’s life to reinforce desirable behaviours.

  • workshop scenarios to gain confidence in dealing with a variety of real-life situations strengthen personal resilience

Course outcomes:

In order that the training provided specifically meets the needs of individual schools we encourage a pre-meeting to outline any specific problems which you may have and to establish appropriate outcomes.  However, in general terms AMBA will use the What, Why, How model in order for course participants to:


  • gain an understanding of the factors which may lead to challenging behaviour and aggression in others.

  • recognise the signs of agitation and aggression in others 

  • gain insight into how they can unknowingly contribute to a challenging or aggressive incident by their approach and attitude 

  • gain an understanding of the importance of ‘knowing the child’ including their family and background

  • gain practice and understanding of verbal strategies, prompts and actions that can be used to defuse & deflect potentially challenging and/or violent situations.


Participants on any AMBA course will be supported to apply their learning directly to their work situation by bringing examples of behaviours encountered in their workplace and applying the techniques and strategies learnt in the classroom.

Previous examples of school specific training include:


Promoting Positive Behaviour:

This course can be provided as a stand alone session to improve overall classroom management or incorporated with elements of dealing with more challenging behaviour.

  • Causes & triggers of challenging behaviour

  • Learn to spot ‘behaviour traps’

  • Strategies to defuse, distract, deflect & defend

  • Practical ways of re-engaging with pupils & promoting positive change

  • Gradients of behaviour & importance of context


Managing Challenging Behaviour:

This can be provided as a follow-on session or a stand-alone session depending on the needs of the school. This course focuses on the responses to behaviours at the more challenging end of the continuum.

  • Demystifying the parameters of ‘touch’

  • Legal issues around using physical support

  • Avoidance strategies & scripted responses

  • Learn graduated physical holds & supports responding to escalating needs

  • Learn & practice single person & two person physical supports

  • Reflection on policies & future practices

A & M Black Associates Ltd.

Green Cottage

Vicarage Lane


Staffordshire  ST12 9AG             


T: 01782 373554

M: 07792 593831

M: 07970 593910


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